mitt nya dockprojekt kommer att ta massor av tid att fullfölja. det är en mycket långsam process rent emotionellt. vissa dockor får ta lång tid att bli färdiga. det är bara att acceptera.
den här kommer att heta "can't hear you". det är första dockan jag skapar utan öron. den handlar om viljan att kommunicera men oförmågan att göra det. att inte nå fram.
4 kommentarer:
Well, I cannot read what you wrote about this doll....but I am amazed at this face!! Is this a new one? Great eyes.
xo Rella
I asked my Swedish co-worker to translate the post about the doll....she enjoyed doing that for me and then I sat back and thought about this. Your dolls make me do that. Stop and think. That is one reason I love them so. I look now at my Night Girl. She has been a wonderful companion for a while now and I love her so. You have a gift. Each piece you create has amazing character and depth. You do not 'crank them out' like so many which tells me that you create only with passion. And more than likely, just like me, have not enough time to do all that you love.
I hope you are well and thank you for visiting Faerieluna.
I have started another blog for dolls, faeries and sprites. I am going to link your blog to this one, also.
xo Rella
Vilka helt underbara dockor du skapar!
Åh jag råkade bara snubbla in på den här bloggen... Helt underbara dockor du gör. Jag är förälskad :D
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